Courtesy of The Vancouver Sun, an interesting article on a report that indicates even the Great Lakes aren’t great enough to sustain North Americans’ reckless water use in the event of a continentwide water shortage. As the piece notes: “…I think we have to stop considering the Great Lakes as the thing that’s going to […]
Read more »Via Circle of Blue, news that the U.S. House of Representatives has blocked diverting any new water from the Great Lakes and forces bordering states to adhere to new conservation standards. This will prohibit any new diversions of the water to other places. As the article notes: “…As of Tuesday, grandiose visions of Lake Michigan […]
Read more »As recently reported by AlterNet, there are a few analysts who charge that the Great Lakes compact, as written, will actually facilitate the commercial export of Great Lakes water: “…For 25 years, residents around the Great Lakes have worried that thirstier regions (or even countries) would make designs on their water. The lakes’ bounty as […]
Read more »Via Water Wired, news that the Great Lakes Compact is one step closer to reality. As the article notes, all eight US Great Lakes Basin states have approved the measure; Congress now has to give its blessing. The Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec have signed on. Although Quebec does not border any of the […]
Read more »Niagara This Week offered an interesting article touching on many issues, including whether or not NAFTA protects water exports from Canada. As the report notes: “… millions of U.S. residents living in places such as California, Nevada, and Arizona could soon be looking this way with a hungry glint in their eye. And it won’t […]
Read more »As reported by The Buffalo News, pressure from parched areas who are beginning to eye the Great Lakes water supply is increasing as sources of fresh water dry up and demand rises. As the article notes: “…A growing population and a warmer world are pressuring the country’s water supply. And that pressure raises a question: […]
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