Via ICIMOD, a new report on water, ice, society, and ecosystems in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, covering more than 4.2 million km2 , encompasses the highest mountain ranges in the world and contains the largest volume of ice on Earth outside of the polar regions, as well as large […]
Read more »Via Eurasia News, an article on how climate change is threatening Asia’s water tower: Tibet is known as the “Water Tower of Asia,” providing water to about 2 billion people and supporting critical ecosystems in High Mountain Asia and the Tibetan Plateau, where many of the largest Asian river systems originate. This region is also […]
Read more »Courtesy of The Diplomat, a look at how careful management of Asia’s hydropower resources is essential to ensure its positive impacts on climate change and avoid transboundary river conflicts: The Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding Hindu Kush-Himalayan regions, also known as the “Asian water tower,” is the source of 10 major Asian rivers. Abundant glacier ice […]
Read more »Via AsiaGlobal Online, a look at how the already-fraught relationship between China and India is becoming even more tense over Beijing’s plans to build a “super hydropower dam” in Tibet: Already fraught due to longstanding border disputes and recent military clashes, the relationship between China and India is becoming even more tense over Beijing’s plans […]
Read more »Via Yale e360, a look at how – as warmer air is thinning most of the vast mountain range’s glaciers, known as the Third Pole because they contain so much ice – the melting could have far-reaching consequences for flood risk and for water security for a billion people who rely on meltwater for their […]
Read more »Via Nature, an abstract on a new research paper on the Third Pole: The Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalayan system, named the Third Pole because it is the largest global store of frozen water after the polar regions, provides a reliable water supply to almost 2 billion people. Marked atmospheric warming has changed the balance of this so-called […]
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