Via MIT’s Technology Review, an article on how too many dams have made Russia’s most important river dysfunctional: You can find Dubna, a small town three hours away from Moscow by train, both on a map and in the periodic table: dubnium, element number 105, was discovered at a research center there, and named after […]
Read more »Via H2O Global News, an article on how water is a motivating factor in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Beneath the horror of Russia’s war in Ukraine flows an undercurrent of political tension over that most vital and intractable resource – water. Control over water resources has been a point of contention between the two countries […]
Read more »Via Circle of Blue, an article on the Pacific Institute’s Water Conflict Chronology: One of the first casualties of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was not a human life. In late February, as Vladimir Putin’s war machine was beginning to uncoil, Russian forces destroyed a dam in Ukraine that was blocking water from a Soviet-era canal […]
Read more »Via the Wilson Center’s New Security Beat, a report on the hydropolitics in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: It’s telling that one of the first actions that Russian forces took in their invasion of Ukraine was to blow up a dam on the North Crimean Canal (NCC), allowing water to flow back into Crimea. The current war being waged […]
Read more »Via Terra Daily, a report on Russian capture of a key water supply route: Russian forces invading Ukraine said they had taken control of a vital canal to supply water to Moscow-annexed Crimea, which has been suffering from shortages for the past eight years. Crimea received most of its water from Ukraine’s Dnieper River via […]
Read more »Via Jamestown Monitor, a slightly dated but currently relevant, look at how a critical water shortage in Crimea may partially be behind Russia’s moves against Ukraine: The Crimean Peninsula has long suffered from water shortages, but these are now often exacerbated by the ever-more frequent winters with little-to-no rain or snow. In the last several months, under Russian […]
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