Archive for the ‘Morocco’ Category

Drought, Overpumping Cut Morocco River Link To Sea

Via Terra Daily, an article on how drought and overpumping have cut Morocco’s river link to the sea: Moroccan environmentalist Mohamed Benata stood taking photos of what should be the mouth of the Moulouya river — but after years of drought and over-pumping, it comes to a halt just short of the sea. One of […]

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Droughts In The Middle East: Here To Stay

Via UAE’s The National, a report on Middle Eastern water scarcity: With an unprecedented number of droughts afflicting every corner of the world this year, it is clear that even the swiftest efforts to curb more variable rainfall and rising temperatures will be too late to prevent future water shortages. A new report from the […]

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Drought Lays Bare Morocco’s Vulnerabilities

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), a look at how drought impacts Morocco: While declining rainfall is a problem across the Maghreb region of northwest Africa, this year’s ongoing spring and summer drought is hitting Morocco’s agricultural sector particularly hard. The drought will weaken the strategic objectives of the Moroccan government’s agricultural investment plan, which prioritizes […]

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Making Of A Water Crisis: How A Colonial Dream Ran Morocco Dry

Via Dissent Magazine, commentary on Morocco’s water crisis: Last fall, the residents of Zagora, a Moroccan city on the edge of the Sahara, decided they were fed up with the watermelons. Plagued for years by water shortages, they pointed a finger at the prosperous, export-oriented fruit farms outside the city for hogging their wells. In […]

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