Via Fast Company, an article on water conflicts between Mexican farmers and avocado growers—who are often sponsored by or pay protection money to drug cartels: As a drought in Mexico drags on, angry subsistence farmers have begun taking direct action on thirsty avocado orchards and berry fields of commercial farms that are drying up streams in […]
Read more »Via Undark, an article on Mexico City where – propelled by the draining of local aquifers – the city’s land is sinking. New research surveys the impact on the subways. WITH ITS EXPANSE of buildings and concrete, Mexico City may not look squishy — but it is. Ever since the Spanish conquistadors drained Lake Texcoco to […]
Read more »Via Mexico’s Milenio, a rather dire report on the status of Mexican dam levels: Of the 210 large dams in the country, five are completely dry , they have reached zero level of their storage capacity; while another 23 reservoirs are at less than 10 percent . According to the National Water Commission (Conagua), the total stored in the […]
Read more »Via Fast Company, a report on how Mexico has only met 30% of its expected water delivery to Texas, due to its own drought conditions: Texas farm groups warn of a disastrous season ahead for citrus and sugar as Mexican and U.S. officials try to resolve a dispute over a decades-old water treaty that supplies U.S. farmers with […]
Read more »Via Aquatech, a look at how Mexican utility Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey (SADM) is combatting water scarcity issues in Nuevo Leon through pressure regulation and increased real-time monitoring: Water scarcity issues in north Mexico Like much of northern Mexico, Nuevo Leon is suffering from drought conditions and water scarcity, caused by a […]
Read more »Via Harvard Graduate School of Design, a look at Monterrey, Mexico and its plans to tackle extreme water events: In 2022 and 2023, Monterrey, Mexico’s second largest city, experienced a critical shortage of water and, like Cape Town in 2018, was close to a Day Zero of water provision. The emergency made international headlines, as the […]
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