Archive for the ‘Kenya’ Category

Is Eastern Africa’s Drought The Worst in Recent History? Are Worse Yet To Come?

Via The Conversation, an article on the drought in eastern Africa: Large areas of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are currently in the grip of a severe drought. An estimated 16.7 million people face acute food insecurity. That’s more than the combined populations of Austria and Switzerland. Four consecutive rainy seasons have now failed since late 2020, a […]

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Historic Drought Looms for 20M People In Horn of Africa

Courtesy of National Geographic, an article on the historic drought impacting 20 million living in Horn of Africa: As many as 20 million people in four African countries are facing extreme hardship and food shortages as an exceptionally long and severe drought grips the eastern Horn of Africa. Three rainy seasons in a row have […]

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13M Face Hunger as Catastrophic Horn of Africa Drought Worsens

Via Terra Daily, an article on the Horn of Africa’s drought: An estimated 13 million people in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are facing severe hunger as the Horn of Africa experiences its worst drought in decades, the United Nations said Tuesday. Three consecutive rainy seasons have failed as the region has recorded its driest conditions […]

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Why Kenya’s Urban Poor Are Exploited by Informal Water Markets

Via The Conversation, a look at Kenya’s informal water markets: Informal urban water markets – as opposed to piped water – have long supported many of Kenya’s urban areas. Those that use them are either unserved, or inadequately served, by public utilities. A large number of people depend on them as only about 20% of the Nairobi residents who […]

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Kenya Digs Deep to Research Underground Water Reserves

Courtesy of Future Directions International, an article on Kenya’s efforts to tap into groundwater to address their water scarcity situation: Background Kenya experiences a large degree of water insecurity. The Kenyan Government currently maintains a water-rationing policy in the capital, Nairobi, and is expected to do so until 2026. Nairobi’s main dam, the Ndakaini dam, supplies […]

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After Cape Town, More African Cities Face Water Crisis

Via Voice of America, a report on potential future African water crises: African cities need to better plan and invest in water infrastructure, global accounting firm Deloitte said on Tuesday, as Cape Town counts down to dry taps due to severe drought. Officials predict taps in the South African city will run out of water […]

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