Archive for the ‘Iran’ Category

Iran Admits Afghanistan’s Acute Drought

Via MENA FM, a report on Iran’s acknowledgement of Afghanistan’s acute water stress: Iran’s energy minister said that after inspecting the Deh Rawood hydrometric station in Helmand province, it was confirmed that Afghanistan is facing a ‘serious’ drought. “Recently, our colleagues visited Deh Rawood hydrometric station in Helmand. This visit showed that the drought in […]

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Iran Warns of Caspian Sea’s Shrinking Coastline

Via Tasnim News, a report on climate change’s impact on the Caspian Sea: Iran’s mission to the UN office in Geneva warned that the Caspian Sea’s water levels have been dropping according to satellite images provided by the Iranian Space Agency. In a post on X, the Permanent Mission of Iran to the United Nations […]

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Iranian Delegation Visits Afghanistan to Discuss Water Rights Issue

Via The Frontier Post, a report on the ongoing discussions between Afghanistan and Iran over water: An Iranian delegation is on a visit to Kabul to hold talks with the Taliban officials on different issues, including water rights issues, an official said. According to Iranian media outlets, Naser Kenani, the spokesperson of Iran’s Ministry of […]

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Iran Begins Two-Day Shutdown as Heat Wave Worsens

Via the Wall Street Journal, a look at how climate change poses specific security challenges for the Islamic Republic, which has faced unrest over water shortages: Neighborhoods across Tehran fell quiet Wednesday as temperatures surpassing 100 degrees Fahrenheit bore down on Iran’s capital. Many residents stayed home after the government declared an emergency two-day shutdown, […]

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Who Will Solve The Water Conflict Between Iran And Afghanistan?

Via Eurasia Review, commentary on the Iran / Afghanistan water conflict: In late May, shots were exchanged by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the Taliban near a border post in Iran’s Southwest Nimroz province. Each side blamed the other for starting the gunfight that killed two Iranians and an Afghan. The situation was de-escalated, but it […]

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The Water Wars Coming to Central Asia

Via Foreign Policy, a report on rising water tensions in Central Asia where the situation has been bad for decades, but the Taliban threaten to make them worse: In Turkmenistan, household faucets are running dry and locusts are devouring crops. In Kazakhstan, a state of emergency has been declared as the Caspian Sea shrinks to […]

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