Archive for the ‘Indonesia’ Category

The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: Asia’s Dangerous Thirst

Via the Nikkei Asian Review, commentary on how rapidly growing demand for water is stoking tensions in Asia: In recent weeks, one of the most pristine Himalayan rivers has mysteriously turned black when entering India from Tibet, highlighting how China’s upstream tunneling, damming and mining activities might be causing major environmental contamination. The plight of […]

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Indonesia’s Water Security

Via Future Directions International, a look at Indonesia’s water security: Key Points Population growth and an expanding manufacturing sector will increase demand for water. New dams will likely improve agricultural water supplies, at least in the short-term, but will not improve municipal supplies. Water privatization in Jakarta has failed to improve service delivery. The return […]

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Indonesia: Disjointed Islands Make Water Scarcity A Problem

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), interesting analysis of Indonesia’s water scarcity challenges: Indonesia is in a transitional period as new President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo attempts to improve governance, fight corruption and centralize government regulations. Like his predecessors, however, Jokowi will struggle with the geographic constraints inherent to Indonesia. While Jakarta is poised to benefit from […]

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Hungry Neighbours? Indonesia’s Future Food Strategy And Water Security

Via Future Directions, an interesting look at Indonesia’s water security: Key Points Indonesia currently has a low level of food insecurity. Food supplies are theoretically adequate to feed the population, however inefficiencies in distribution systems across the archipelago restrict access to food products at prices affordable for the nation’s poor.  In October 2012, the Indonesian […]

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Water Scarcity in Asia

Via The Jakarta Post, an interesting discussion of water scarcity in Asia. While the focus is on China (as we have discussed previously in this blog), it offers some dramatic insight into recharge vs. depletion rates in other Asian nations: “…Although the Olympics have swung the focus of international attention to China’s many achievements and […]

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