Archive for the ‘Ecuador’ Category

Damming or Damning the Amazon: Assessing Ecuador / China Cooperation

Via Mongabay, an article on Ecuador’s partnership with China and what it may mean for rivers in the Amazon: In 2008, Ecuador, led by President Rafael Correa, approved a new constitution based upon Buen Vivr (the ”Good Life”), committing the nation to indigenous rights, environmental sustainability and state sovereignty. However, Correa quickly aligned the nation […]

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Melting Andean Glaciers May Leave South America High & Dry

According to a recent report, about 99 percent of the Chacaltaya glacier in Bolivia has disappeared since 1940. Such loss of glaciers in the Andes mountain range is threatening the water supply of 30 million people in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, leaving mountain communities, agriculture, and entire ecosystems high and dry. For example, as noted […]

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