Archive for the ‘Cyprus’ Category

Mexico City Is Just The Beginning: 11 Other Cities at Risk of Running Out Of Water

Via Business Insider, a list of 11 other cities at risk of running out of water: Mexico City is on the brink of a water catastrophe. Experts predict that the city of 8.8 million people could run out of drinking water this month. But Mexico City is not the first city with a water crisis […]

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Cyprus Water Project: A Peace Pipeline Or A Turkish Trojan Horse?

Via FoxNews, a report on a new water pipeline that will soon link Turkey with Cyprus’ Turkish side and potentially eliminate chronic water shortages for generations: In this Friday, Feb. 14, 2014, Turkish Cypriot farmer Hasan Eligon stands next to a goat pen on his farm in the village of Kirni in the breakaway northern, […]

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Northern Cyprus Sees Hope In Water Pipeline

Via The New York Times, a report on a project by which Turkey would sell water to northern Cyprus: Even as the Cypriot government struggles to ward off financial disaster, the authorities in the northern part of the divided island are quietly pushing ahead with a project to link their territory, physically and economically, more […]

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Turkey’s Contemplated European Union “Freeze” – All About Water?

Via The International Water Law Project, a report on how Turkey’s contemplated “freeze” of its relations with the EU is related to the interrelated water issues toward its Euphrates co-riparians as well as toward Cyprus.  As the article notes: Turkey plays an increasingly important global role as a cultural and economic bridge between Western nations […]

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Turkey Waters Cyprus

Via  Terra Daily, an update on the on-again/off-again plan for Turkey to provide water to Cyprus.  As the article notes: “Turkey signed an agreement Monday with the the breakaway Turkish statelet in Cyprus on a long-standing project to build a pipeline under the Mediterranean to supply water to the island’s north. The framework agreement envisages […]

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Peak Water In Cyprus Piques Social Tensions

Courtesy of The BBC, an interesting report on the water tensions between Turkish and Greek communities in Cyprus.  As the article notes: “…We are in Nicosia, one of Europe’s last divided cities, and the focus of a bitter and bloody feud between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. It goes back to 1974, when the island […]

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