Archive for the ‘Chile’ Category

Squeezing Communities Dry: Water Grabbing By The Global Food Industry

Via GRAIN, a look at how pension fund managers, private equity firms and other financial players are moving aggressively to snatch up lands around the world with access to water for irrigation. Their strategy is to pump as much water as they can and as fast as they can into the production of crops, like […]

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Chilean Town Withers in Free Market for Water

Courtesy of The New York Times, a report on how water in Chile was redirected in order to maximize its highest economic use, to the detriment of local communities: During the past four decades here in Quillagua, a town in the record books as the driest place on earth, residents have sometimes seen glimpses of […]

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Water, Not Lithium, Is The Resource Latin America Should Worry About

Via Rest of World, commentary on how water, not lithium, is the resource Latin America should worry about: As fires, storms, and heat ravage large swathes of the planet, the world seems to have ramped up its efforts to address climate change. At the heart of this drive is the emergence of “climate tech” — a […]

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This Machine Runs on Water: Lithium in Latin America

Via Geopolitical Monitor, a look at the water usage and water pollution problem associated with South America’s lithium industry: Lithium is the next big mining boom given that the mineral can be utilized for lithium batteries which are currently, and for the foreseeable future, in high demand as the world craves green energy. South America […]

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More Than a Decade of Megadrought Brought a Summer of Megafires to Chile

Via Inside Climate News, a report on how Chile’s relentless drought has dried out subsistence farmers’ wells, vast eucalyptus and pine plantations: As the dark curtain descended, turning the blazing afternoon sun over the braided currents of the Bío Bío River into a burnt orange twilight, a firefighting helicopter with a gigantic bucket dangling below […]

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Chile and Bolivia Agree On River Argument

Via Terra Daily, an article on Chile and Bolivia’s agreement over a disputed cross-border river: Chile and Bolivia have agreed on the status of a disputed cross-border river, the International Court of Justice said on Thursday, adding that judges were not required to rule on the climate-fuelled row. The fractious South American neighbours had been […]

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