Archive for the ‘Bolivia’ Category

Bolivia: High And Dry

Via The Financial Times, a look at water tensions in Bolivia where mining-led development comes at a cost for nation’s fishing communities: Fishing boats on the dried Poopó lake bed near La Paz in west Bolivia Vicente Valero wears a poncho that tells the story of his ethnic group, the Uru-Murato, in multicoloured stripes. Thought […]

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From Water Wars to Water Scarcity: Bolivia’s Cautionary Tale

Via the North American Congress on Latin America, an interesting report on Bolivia’s water stress: When Bolivian President Evo Morales arrived at the new Uyuni airport last August and found no water running from the tap, he publicly reprimanded and promptly dismissed his Minister of Water. As it happened, the pipes were merely frozen. The […]

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Trickle-Down Diplomacy: South American Style

Via The Economist, an interesting report on Evo Morales efforts to swap a stream for a piece of Chilean seafront: THE Silala (known as the Siloli in Chile) trickles down from Bolivia’s unpopulated Andean plateau to the Chilean border. Little more than a ditch in places, the stream is nevertheless the cause of renewed tension […]

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The Silala Basin: One of the Most Hydropolitically Vulnerable Basins in the World

Via The International Water Law Project, a detailed look at the Silala Basin, one of the most hydropolitically vulnerable basins in the world which is the subject of a long-running dispute between Bolivia and Chile.  As the report notes: A few months ago, Brendan Mulligan and I published a paper entitled “The Silala/Siloli Watershed: Dispute […]

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Bolivia’s Water Future: Melting Away

As covered on 5 December, Bolivia’s La Paz area may be one of South America’s first large cities to feel the impact of water shortages in a major urban center (along with Mexico City).   The New York Times added a piece on this impending dilemma today as well.  As the article notes: The Milluni reservoir […]

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Bolivia’s Real Recession Worries

Courtesy of BBC, an article exploring the impact of receding glaciers in Bolivia and the fears surrounding the future of water supplies in one of Latin America’s fastest-growing urban areas – Bolivia’s sprawling city of La Paz and its neighbour El Alto – and the possibility that it may become the world’s first capital to […]

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