Archive for the ‘Armenia’ Category

As Armenian Fish Farming Expands, a Pristine Aquifer Is Drying Up

Via Yale e360, an article on the impact that aquaculture has had upon Armenia’s Ararat Valley, where the heightened use of water, combined with a warming climate and increased drought, has led to groundwater reserves shrinking by two-thirds, once-bountiful farms withering, and wells going dry: On an overcast morning this past spring, Gegham Muradyan searches […]

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Dam Building and Water Tensions in the Caucasus

Via Eurasianet, a report on dam building and rising water tensions in the Caucusus: Among many other threats, global climate change promises unprecedented water variability in the South Caucasus. The region is facing increasingly erratic rainfall and snowmelt, which is endangering drinking supplies, agricultural output, and hydropower generation. This is made still more complicated by […]

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Don’t Water It Down: The Role of Water Security in the Armenia-Azerbaijan War

Via Eurasianet, a look at how water disputes helped escalate the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict into all-out war and how – left unaddressed – they pose the same risk again: Just three months after the end of last year’s war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev traveled to the Lachin district for a photo-op at the […]

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