Archive for May, 2024

Energy, Cash and Climate Shape Talks Over the Giant Itaipu Dam

Via Dialogue Earth, an article on how – after 50 years – the treaty on Brazil and Paraguay’s shared dam is up for renewal. A deal is close, but frictions and questions for the future remain: As Paraguay’s new president Santiago Peña took office in 2023, another milestone was being reached at the nation’s eastern […]

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In a Dammed and Diked Mekong, a Push to Restore the Flow

Via Yale e360, a look at the Mekong which – facing increasing land subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and flooding linked with development – has Vietnam committed to changing its approach to managing the Mekong Delta. New initiatives call for retrofitting dikes and dams to restore flood regimes, using nature as a guide. We depart from Can […]

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What Will It Take For Bangladesh and India To Sign Transboundary River Agreements

Via Global Dialogue, a look at the need for Bangladesh and India to talk about sharing water on two major rivers, the Teesta and Ganges. But experts on both sides say much depends on political consensus and the right atmosphere for negotiations Bangladesh’s ruling party, the Awami League, started its fourth consecutive term in government this year […]

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How Colorado Towns Are Trying To Get Some Water Certainty

Via NPR, a podcast on how Colorado towns are trying to get some water certainty: In Western Colorado, towns and farms are banding together to pay a hundred million dollars for water they don’t intend to use. Today on the show, how scarcity, climate change and a first-dibs system of water management is forcing towns, […]

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Access to Groundwater To Unlock Sustainable Solutions for the Horn of Africa

Via UNDP, an announcement of a new initiative related to groundwater in the Horn of Africa: A new initiative called the Africa Groundwater Access Facility (GaFa) has been launched today to address water scarcity affecting millions in the Horn of Africa. The Horn of Africa is a region characterized by significant water scarcity, resulting from […]

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Largest Joint Water Project of Iran, Azerbaijan to Come on Stream Soon

Via Tasnim News, an article on the pending operationalization of the Qiz Qalasi Dam, the largest joint water project between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan: The chief executive of Iran’s East Azerbaijan Regional Water Company said the Qiz Qalasi Dam, the largest joint water project between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, will become […]

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