Archive for May, 2024

Is Myanmar’s Junta About to Revive a Controversial Dam Project?

Via The Diplomat, a report that Myanmar’s junta has formed a new committee for the Myitsone hydropower project, which was suspended in 2011: Myanmar’s military junta may be considering reviving the China-backed Myitsone Dam project, which was suspended more than a decade ago after protests over its possible impact on the environment, the Associated Press […]

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Iran: Running Out of Time to Avoid Running Out of Water?

Via Modern Diplomacy, an article on how water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change, is posing a serious threat to global “hotspots” with Iran among the most vulnerable: Water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change, is posing a serious threat to global “hotspots” with Iran among the most vulnerable. Iran is swiftly approaching a state of “water […]

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India’s Teesta River Funding: Ambition or Illusion?

Courtesy of the Asia Times, an article on how India can strengthen its relationship with Bangladesh and counterbalance China’s growing regional influence: During a visit to Dhaka on May 8-9, Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra expressed India’s interest in financing the Teesta River project, marking a significant shift in India’s engagement with Bangladesh regarding this […]

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Mexico City Has Long Thirsted for Water. The Crisis Is Worsening.

Courtesy of The New York Times, an article on how a system of dams and canals may soon be unable to provide water to one of the world’s largest cities, a confluence of unchecked growth, crumbling infrastructure and a changing climate: A collision of climate change, urban sprawl and poor infrastructure has pushed Mexico City […]

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The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: China, India Duel for Riverine Lifeblood of Bangladesh

Via Asia Times, a report on how both China and India are bidding to assist Bangladesh’s Teesta River project, though Beijing’s offer is likely one Dhaka can’t refuse: Bangladesh’s economy faces a perfect storm with double-digit inflation pinching wallets, foreign exchange reserves dwindling and economic growth fading away. To weather the crisis, the government is […]

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The Gen Z Water Dealmaker

Via LAist, a podcast on people with the most power on the Colorado River. [music in] Hey, this is Antonia Cereijido.[CM1] You’re listening to Imperfect Paradise from LAist Studios, the show about hidden worlds and messy realities. My colleague, a correspondent on the show, Emily Guerin , used to be a beat reporter covering the […]

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