Archive for April, 2024

Pakistan Facing 30% Water Shortage For Sowing Season

Via Terra Daily, a report on Pakistan’s water shortage during an upcoming critical agricultural season: Pakistan is facing a 30 percent water shortage at the start of the sowing season for cash crops such as rice and cotton, the country’s water regulator said. The Indus River System Authority (IRSA) said the gap is based on […]

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The Parched Tiger: India’s Most Innovative Cities Are Running Out of Water

Via Japan Times, a report on India’s water crisis and its impact on the nation’s economic engine: At the time Egypt’s pyramids were being constructed, one of the cradles of global civilization grew up in the Indus Valley around the borders of what are today Pakistan and India. Its grid-planned cities produced sewage networks, delicate […]

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From Drought to Flood: Solutions for Extreme Climate Events in Monterrey, Mexico

Via Harvard Graduate School of Design, a look at Monterrey, Mexico and its plans to tackle extreme water events: In 2022 and 2023, Monterrey, Mexico’s second largest city, experienced a critical shortage of water and, like Cape Town in 2018, was close to a Day Zero of water provision. The emergency made international headlines, as the […]

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China Ships Tibetan Glacier Water To Climate-Threatened Maldives

Via Terra Daily, a report on China’s recent shipment of bottled Tibetan water to the Maldives, a shipment that is both ironical and also impactful given India’s geopolitical interest in the Maldives and ongoing tensions between India and China: China has sent more than a million bottles of water from melting Tibetan glaciers to the […]

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