Archive for April, 2024

Israel’s Weaponization of Water

Via TriContinental, commentary on Israel’s use of water as a weapon in its war against Palestinians by denying access and destroying infrastructure: By November 2023, it was already clear that the Israeli government had begun to deny Palestinians in Gaza access to water. ‘Every hour that passes with Israel preventing the provision of safe drinking […]

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From Scarcity to Sustainability: The GCC’s Journey Towards Water Security

Via the World Bank, commentary on the GCC’s journey towards water security: World Water Day casts a spotlight on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries’ journey towards sustainable water security — a remarkable feat given their extreme water scarcity. The GCC countries face a stark reality: the absence of surface water and their unsustainable use of groundwater […]

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Transboundary Water Cooperation for Peace in Southern Africa

Via African NewsPage, commentary on the role that transboundary water cooperation can play in bringing peace in Southern Africa: Growing populations and climatic impacts are placing unprecedented pressure on water resources. This is true of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region which comprises 16 Member States, whose population in 2018, was estimated to be at […]

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‘New Climate Reality’ Stretches Global Freshwater Supply

Courtesy of The Financial Times, a report on how the new world’s climate reality is stretching global freshwater supply: As Pere Aragonès, Catalonia’s regional president, declared a drought emergency across the Spanish region in February, he issued a stark warning: “We are entering a new climate reality.” With water reserves falling to below 16 per […]

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Climate Change Is Driving a Global Water Trade You Can’t See

Via Bloomberg, a report on how more extreme weather is reshaping the availability of water, a commodity embedded in almost every product bought and sold in international markets: Every manifestation of the ­dangerous weather wreaking havoc around the world has one thing in common: water. As the Earth’s climate changes, the lack of water, or […]

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Why Does US West Grow So Much Alfalfa?

Via Sustainable Waters, commentary on the nexus between water use and food production in the US West: During recent years I’ve had the great fortune to work with some amazing scientists on some really interesting research projects focused on water use and food production in the American West. Due to widespread concerns over water scarcity […]

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