Archive for April, 2024

California Poised To Crack Down On Overpumping of Groundwater In The Agricultural Heartland

Via CalMatters, a report on California’s crackdown on farmers who deplete groundwater: IN SUMMARY Kings County agencies and growers may face probation and millions of dollars in fines — which could be the first step toward the state wresting control of groundwater. For the first time in California history, state officials are poised to crack […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s AI Industry Could Use More Water Than South Korea by 2030

Via South China Morning Post, a report on the growing water footprint of AI in China: Hong Kong think tank says annual water use by Chinese data facilities – almost half of which are in dry regions – could more than double by 2030 It takes 20 times more water to have a ChatGPT conversation […]

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Hawaii: “On Verge of a Greater Catastrophe” As Water Crisis Continues

Via CBS News, a report on the growing water scarcity issue on Oahu: In Hawaii, one of the most important sayings is ola i ka wai, “water is life” — a phrase that not only sums up what it means to exist on an island, but what it means to live, period. But now, one of […]

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Sault Tribe Challenges Michigan Fishing Deal, Chides ‘Preposterous’ Rules

Via Circle of Blue, a report on a First Nation’s legal appeal on fishing in the Great Lakes: Four Michigan tribes and the state and federal government renegotiated fishing rights in the Great Lakes last year, without the Sault tribe’s consent Now, the tribe is suing, arguing it can’t be held to an agreement it […]

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Colombians Told To Shower With A Partner As Drought Hits Capital Water Supplies

Courtesy of The Guardian, a report on Bogotá’s decision to bring in water rationing with El Niño weather phenomenon meaning city could run out in under two months: Couples in Bogotá are being asked to shower together as water supplies are rationed in the Colombian capital. Major neighbourhoods were cut off from the water grid […]

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‘Water Is More Valuable Than Oil’: The Corporation Cashing In On America’s Drought

Via The Guardian, an article on an unprecedented deal in which a private company purchased land in a tiny Arizona town – and sold its water rights to a suburb 200 miles away. Local residents fear the agreement has ‘opened Pandora’s box’: One of the biggest battles over Colorado River water is being staged in […]

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