Archive for April, 2024

Mexico: 5 Dams Have Reached Zero Level, 23 Have Less Than 10 Percent

Via Mexico’s Milenio, a rather dire report on the status of Mexican dam levels: Of the 210 large dams in the country, five are completely dry , they have reached zero level of their storage capacity; while another 23 reservoirs are at less than 10 percent . According to the National Water Commission (Conagua), the total stored in the […]

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‘Complete and Absolute Despair’ for Texas Farmers Over Reductions In Shared Water Supply with Mexico

Via Fast Company, a report on how Mexico has only met 30% of its expected water delivery to Texas, due to its own drought conditions: Texas farm groups warn of a disastrous season ahead for citrus and sugar as Mexican and U.S. officials try to resolve a dispute over a decades-old water treaty that supplies U.S. farmers with […]

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The Looming Climate and Water Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa

Via Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a look at the looming climate and water crisis in MENA: INTRODUCTION The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is naturally prone to being hot and dry, in stark contrast with the rest of the world. The region’s arid climate is the primary contributor to its perennial state […]

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California Farming Area Placed on Probation over Declining Groundwater and Sinking Land

Via the Los Angeles Times, a report on California’s efforts to crack down on farmers’ excessive groundwater pumping: For the first time, California water regulators are cracking down on one of the state’s major farming regions for failing to take steps to curb growers’ excessive groundwater pumping, which has sent water levels into rapid decline […]

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Texas Is Headed for a Water Problem

Via Newsweek, a report on Texas’ water challenge: National Weather Service (NWS) Climate Prediction Center meteorologists have issued a months-long drought outlook that reveals concerning news for western Texas. Texas suffered from severe drought throughout last summer, with the water levels in many lakes, reservoirs and rivers dropping as a result. Conditions improved during the fall […]

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The Parched Tiger: Can India Withstand A Water Crisis?

Via The Hindu BusinessLine, an article/podcast on the findings of a report on water efficiency in Indian Agriculture: In this episode of the State of the Economy Podcast, Subramani Ra Mancombu speaks to Rathish Balakrishnan, Co-founder of Sattva Consulting on the issue of water scarcity in Indian agriculture, highlighted in the report “Transforming Crop Cultivation: […]

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