Archive for December, 2023

Multiple Climate Reports Warn of Water Conflict in South Asia

Via The Diplomat, a report on South Asia, a region is expected to suffer the most significant impacts of changing water availability this century: At the 28th edition of the World Climate Summit (COP28) in Dubai, Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal made a strong pitch for immediate implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement. Despite near-zero contribution […]

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The Price of Water and the Ongoing Colonization of Nature: Australian Cases in Global Context

Via MR Online, an article examining the price of water and colonization of nature in Australia: Nothing is more useful than water; but it will scarce purchase anything; scarce anything may be had in exchange for it. —Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations The water crisis results from an erroneous equation of value with monetary price. […]

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Egypt Stresses Right to Defend Interests as Nile Dam Talks Fail

Via Bloomberg, a report on the Nile dam talks: Egypt criticises Ethiopia’s ‘refusal’ to accept compromise Egyptian president has warned against curtailing water rights Egypt said a fourth round of talks over a giant dam being built on the Nile River by Ethiopia has failed, and reiterated its right to defend its water and national […]

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Morocco Faces Sixth Consecutive Year of Drought

Via Terra Daily, a report on Morocco’s ongoing drought: Morocco is heading towards its sixth consecutive year of drought as rising temperatures lead to decline in rainfall, the North African country’s water minister said on Thursday. “We have entered a critical phase after five years in a row of drought, which our country has never […]

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Rural Arizona Has Gone Decades Without Groundwater Regulations. That Could Soon Change.

Via Inside Climate News, a look at how nearly 80 percent of Arizona has no regulations over the pumping of groundwater, leading rural residents and leaders to push for change as wells go dry, something Gov. Katie Hobbs has vowed to enact: It’s been nearly a decade since Steven Kisiel’s well at his home in […]

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California Could Solve Its Water Woes by Flooding Its Best Farmland

Via Gizmodo, a report on how restored floodplains in the California’s agricultural heartland are fighting both flooding and drought: The land of the Central Valley works hard. Here in the heart of California, in the most productive farming region in the United States, almost every square inch of land has been razed, planted, and shaped […]

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