Archive for July, 2023

Decades After the Colorado River Flooded the Chemehuevi’s Land, They Still Don’t Have Their Share

Via High Country News, a report on how – nearly all of the Chemehuevi Tribe’s water – remains in the Colorado River and ends up being used by southern California cities: At night, the lights of Lake Havasu City’s hotels, boat launches and neighborhoods reflect off the reservoir that gave this busy Arizona tourist town […]

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‘Fight for Our Lives’: Arizona’s Water Regime Limits Hopi Tribe’s Future

Via High Country News, a report on a 45-year legal saga that is leaving the Hopi Tribe fighting for their economic ambitions through water access: In September 2020, the Hopi Tribe’s four-decade effort to secure its right to water culminated in a court proceeding. The outcome would determine how much water the arid reservation would receive […]

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How Arizona Squeezes Tribes for Water

Courtesy of High Country News, a look at how Arizona goes to unusual lengths in water negotiations to extract restrictive concessions from tribes: The Dilkon Medical Center, a sprawling $128 million facility on the Navajo Nation in Arizona, was completed a year ago. With an emergency room, pharmacy and housing for more than 100 staff members, […]

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The Colorado Provides Drinking Water to 40M People. Do They Know What Utah Does to It Upstream?

Via Mother Jones, a report on the Colorado River and upstream use/energy-related pollution: From the water, the White River canyon was a scene worthy of Ansel Adams. Swallows darted in and out of mud houses packed on the underside of the soaring sandstone cliffs. A lone elk wandered the hillside, while sheep noshed along the water, […]

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How Private Interests Benefit From Tribal Water Settlements

Via High Country News, a look at how – when power players like mining and agriculture are involved – tribal nations, usually the senior-most water-rights holders, often must fight obstruction: First, the Santa Cruz River stopped flowing into the San Xavier District of the Tohono O’odham Nation. Then wells began to dry up across the reservation, […]

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Condition Critical: Desertification Threatens To Turn Iran’s Future To Dust

Via Radio Free Europe, an article on how water scarcity and desertification are making more and more territory unlivable in Iran, potentially resulting in devastating consequences: Temperatures in Iran are hitting record highs, rivers and lakes are drying up, and prolonged droughts are becoming the norm, highlighting a water crisis that is turning much of […]

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