Archive for January, 2023

Iran-Afghanistan Tensions Now Rising Over Water

Via Fair Observer, an article on rising tensions between Iran and Afghanistan over the Helmand River: The dispute over the Helmand River between Iran and Afghanistan is an old one. In the 1870s, when Afghanistan was still under British control, the border between the neighbors was drawn along the main branch of the river. Helmand is […]

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How Native Americans Will Shape the Future of Water in the U.S. West

Courtesy of The New Yorker, a look how U.S. tribal nations – which hold the rights to significant portions of the Colorado River – are showing the way to sustainability in the era of increasing drought: As a child, Stephen Lewis heard stories about a river that, for the most part, no longer flowed. “How I grew […]

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Indus Water Treaty: Pakistan And India Under International Law

Via Eurasia Review, commentary on the Indus Water Treaty: Water is increasingly being recognized as one of the key impediments to development in arid and semiarid nations, where adequate quantity and quality of water for varied needs has already become a very tough challenge. All present trends point to a considerable growth in the complexity […]

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Water Scarcity in the Arab World

Via Geopolitical Futures, a report on the Arab World’s water challenges:   Many prosperous ancient civilizations in the Arab world had at least one thing in common: an abundance of water. Today, however, the Arab region in West Asia and North Africa could become the most water-scarce area in the world. Demand is rising, driven […]

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Sinking Joshimath May Submerge India’s Hydropower Ambitions in the Himalayas

Via The Diplomat, a report on how large-scale land subsidence in one of India’s pilgrimage town has prompted widespread resistance to the construction of dams: Rapid land subsidence causing buildings to crack has left several thousand residents of Joshimath in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand deeply worried. Some residents have fledfor safety, and some have staged demonstrations. […]

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Afghanistan’s Kamal Khan Dam and the Helmand River Treaty

Via The Diplomat a look at the controversy over Afghanistan’s Kamal Khan Dam despite the fact that the Helmand River Treaty nor customary international law denies Afghanistan the right to construct dams over the Helmand River: The opening of the Kamal Khan Dam in March 2021 reignited an old dispute between Iran and Afghanistan over the allocation […]

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