Archive for 2022

Amid Drought, Arizona Contemplates Piping In Water From Mexico

Courtesy of The Washington Post, a look at how Arizona – amidst drought – is considering piping in water from Mexico: Arizona’s newly expanded water finance board had met only three times. The state authority had no director. Nor had it made a public call for water projects to boost Arizona’s dwindling water supplies from the Colorado River.  But […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Dam Plans Threaten China’s Migratory Bird Haven

Via Terra Daily, a report on the impact that a planned Chinese dam may have upon a key migratory bird resource: Spooked by a historic drought, local authorities in China have renewed controversial plans to dam the country’s biggest freshwater lake. But environmentalists warn damming Poyang Lake, a winter stopover for over half a million […]

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Iran’s Controversial Dam Project May Delay Initial Filling

Via the Iran Project, a report that a controversial dam may be delayed: A controversial dam project in southwestern Iran may delay plans for its initial filling amid growing concerns that the project could cause significant environmental damage.    The contractor in charge of the Chamshir Dam project said on Saturday that an initial filling […]

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Water Crisis in the American West ‘is Going to be Painful’

Via the Nevada Current, commentary on the drought in the US southwest: Water authorities in the Western U.S. don’t have a crystal ball, but rapidly receding reservoirs uncovering sunken boats and other debris lost in their depths decades ago give a clear view of the hard choices ahead. If Western states do not agree on […]

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Disaster Scenarios Raise Stakes for Colorado River Negotiations

Via The Washington Post, an article on states’ water managers’ debate over historic Colorado River cuts: The water managers responsible for divvying up the Colorado River’s dwindling supply are painting a bleak portrait of a river in crisis, warning that unprecedented shortages could be coming to farms and cities in the West and that old rules […]

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The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: China’s Super Hydropower Dam and Fears of Sino-Indian Water Wars

Via AsiaGlobal Online, a look at how the already-fraught relationship between China and India is becoming even more tense over Beijing’s plans to build a “super hydropower dam” in Tibet: Already fraught due to longstanding border disputes and recent military clashes, the relationship between China and India is becoming even more tense over Beijing’s plans […]

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