Archive for 2022

In Arizona, Colorado River Crisis Stokes Worry Over Growth and Groundwater Depletion

Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times, an article on Colorado River crisis: Kathleen Ferris stared across a desert valley dotted with creosote bushes, wondering where the water will come from to supply tens of thousands of new homes. In the distance, a construction truck rumbled along a dirt road, spewing dust. This tract of open […]

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US Southwest: Thousands Will Live Here One Day (As Long As They Can Find Water)

Courtesy of the New York Times, a look at how – in the increasingly dry Southwest – drought and climate change pose a challenge for developers, who need to find creative ways to provide water supply to new communities: Surrounded by miles of creosote and ocotillo in the Sonoran Desert, state officials and business leaders gathered […]

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Thailand’s EV Push May Worsen Water Shortages In The East

Via Eco Business, a look at how the arrival of Chinese electric car manufacturer BYD in Rayong is expected to increase the strain on the province’s water supplies: Chinese conglomerate BYD will start production of its first electric vehicles (EV) in Southeast Asia in around 2024. The new facility is expected to produce 150,000 vehicles per year, […]

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The Water Wranglers of the West Struggling to Save The Colorado River

Courtesy of The New Yorker, an article on the farmers, bureaucrats, and water negotiators fighting over the future of the drought-stricken Southwest: In mid-December, I drove to Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir, to see its infamous bathtub ring. The bathtub, in this metaphor, is Lake Mead, on the border between Nevada and Arizona; the […]

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Less Water, Fewer Farmers: The Future of Agriculture on the Ogallala Aquifer

Via NPR, a report on increasingly dim future of farming in the U.S. Midwest: It’s harvest season in Yuma, Colorado, which means Ruben Richardson is in the cab of his combine, cutting corn. That’s where you’ll find him from sun-up to sun down for a solid month in mid-autumn because that’s how long it takes […]

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Arizona Is in a Race to the Bottom of Its Water Wells, With Saudi Arabia’s Help

Courtesy of the New York Times, commentary on the role played by private companies in Arizona’s worrying water crisis: Arizona’s water is running worryingly low. Amid the worst drought in more than a millennium, which has left communities across the state with barren wells, the state is depleting what remains of its precious groundwater. Much of […]

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