Archive for July, 2022

Germany’s Economy Is Carried on the Rhine’s Shrinking Back

Courtesy of Foreign Policy, an article on how rivers – such as the Rhine – which are critical to transportation are drying up: “Deep river, my home is over Jordan,” the eponymous spiritual goes. The Jordan River, alas, is not very deep anymore: In recent decades, it has lost a massive 90 percent of its flow thanks […]

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Colonial Legacies That Started Dam Politics Between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia

Via The Conversation, commentary on the imperialist past that started dam politics between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia: Ever since construction began a decade ago, there’s been serious contention between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a huge project straddling the Blue Nile in Ethiopia. For Ethiopia, the project is meant to offer […]

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Drought In The American West

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a report on drought in the US west: As of July 12, nearly 45 percent of the U.S. and Puerto Rico is in drought, a 14 percent increase since mid-June. The federal Bureau of Reclamation gives Colorado River states a 60-day deadline to develop an emergency plan to conserve water. […]

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Rio Grande Runs Dry In Albuquerque For First Time In 40 Years

Via the Washington Post, an article on the Rio Grande river which has run dry in Albuquerque for the first time in 40 years: A stretch of the Rio Grande near Albuquerque that supplies farmers with water and a habitat for an array of aquatic life is drying — an unsettling sighting of climate change’s effects […]

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Big Water Pipelines, an Old Pursuit, Still Alluring in Drying U.S. West

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a look at how large-scale water engineering projects like the Los Angeles Aqueduct ushered in the modern era of the American West. More pipelines and water transfers have been proposed or are under construction in the drying region: As the region’s climate becomes drier, more pipelines are being proposed despite […]

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The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: The Imbalance of the Asian Water Tower

Via Nature, an abstract on a new research paper on the Third Pole: The Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalayan system, named the Third Pole because it is the largest global store of frozen water after the polar regions, provides a reliable water supply to almost 2 billion people. Marked atmospheric warming has changed the balance of this so-called […]

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