Archive for March, 2022

New Consultations Over Nile Dam Inspire Optimism

Via Al Monitor, a report that Sudan is optimistic about resolving the GERD dispute with Ethiopia at a time when Addis Ababa is preparing for the third filling this summer: Sudan has recently expressed optimism about resolving the dispute over the controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) as Ethiopia prepares for the third filling of the […]

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Arizona’s Future Water Shock

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a report on Arizona’s water future: On a Saturday morning in late January a chill wind kicks up dust on the high desert ridge north of Scottsdale where wood skeletons of new homes appear above the mesquite and cactus of the Rio Verde Foothills. Along Rio Verde Drive a white […]

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Desertification, Water Scarcity Threaten 100 countries, including Egypt, by 2050

Via SEE News, a report on global water scarcity: The Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Abdel-Aty said that water scarcity and desertification will threaten 100 countries including Egypt by 2050. The Egyptian minister participated in a conference, which comprises 20 countries, within the framework of the ongoing international preparations for the holding of the […]

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UN: 500M Live In 19 African Nations Deemed ‘Water Insecure’

Via UN University, an article on how more than 500 million live in 19 African nations deemed water insecure: Despite global Sustainable Development Goals and commitments made in 2015, just 29 African nations have made some progress over the past three to five years, 25 have made none, according to the UN’s first-ever assessment of water […]

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Russia’s Hidden Water War in Ukraine

Via H2O Global News, an article on how water is a motivating factor in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Beneath the horror of Russia’s war in Ukraine flows an undercurrent of political tension over that most vital and intractable resource – water. Control over water resources has been a point of contention between the two countries […]

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U.S. Drought Expected to Persist, and Spread, Through the Spring

Courtesy of the New York Times, a report on the U.S. drought which is expected to persist, and spread, through the Spring: Drought conditions are likely to continue across more than half of the continental United States through at least June, straining water supplies and increasing the risk of wildfires, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]

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