Archive for February, 2022

The Thirsty Dragon: The Chinese Threat to Lower Brahmaputra Riparians India and Bangladesh

Via The Diplomat, an article on China’s plan to divert the waters of Brahmaputra which would affect over 140 million people who are dependent on the river: Water — one of the most vital natural resources on the planet — is taking center stage in India’s Northeast and is gradually becoming a weapon of geopolitics. A […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Pursuit of Carbon Neutrality and Water Security

Via Terra Daily, an article on China’s efforts to become carbon neutral before 2060 coupled with stringent limitations on industrial water use by 2030: China has promised to become carbon neutral before 2060 and has coupled this ambitious target with stringent limitations on industrial water use by 2030. An international team of IIASA researchers and […]

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US Southwest’s Drought Worst In 12 Centuries

Courtesy of The New York Times, a report on the megadrought affecting the US southwest: The megadrought in the American Southwest has become so severe that it’s now the driest two decades in the region in at least 1,200 years, scientists said Monday, and climate change is largely responsible. The drought, which began in 2000 […]

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IEA Committed To Afghanistan-Iran Water Treaty

Via Ariana News, a report on the IEA’s commitment to the Afghanistan-Iran water treaty: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) officials said this weekend they are committed to abiding by the 1973 Afghanistan-Iran Water Treaty which stipulates the amount of water from Afghanistan that Iran is entitled to annually. Former Afghan Prime Minister Musa Shafiq signed […]

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Tonle Sap: On the Debt, Drought and Politics of Cambodia’s Most Important Lake

Via Third Pole, an interview on Tonle Sap lake: Over the past three decades, Southeast Asia’s largest lake has declined precipitously. For centuries, the flooding of the Mekong would reverse the course of the river, causing Tonle Sap lake to swell up to six times its dry season size and creating what was once the […]

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13M Face Hunger as Catastrophic Horn of Africa Drought Worsens

Via Terra Daily, an article on the Horn of Africa’s drought: An estimated 13 million people in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are facing severe hunger as the Horn of Africa experiences its worst drought in decades, the United Nations said Tuesday. Three consecutive rainy seasons have failed as the region has recorded its driest conditions […]

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