Archive for 2019

Did Vietnam Just Doom The Mekong: Dam Diplomacy and the Geopolitics of the Mekong

Via The Diplomat, an article on a recent policy reversal on Mekong dams that has put Hanoi’s credibility – and the river’s fate – on the line: The recent decision by a Vietnamese oil company, Petrovietnam, to invest in a huge dam close to the much-loved World Heritage Site in Luang Prabang, Laos, has caused confusion […]

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Parched Countries Tap the Nile River Through Farms

Via The Wall Street Journal, a detailed look at how oil-rich Gulf states grow crops in Egypt and Sudan to export, leaving locals increasingly dependent on imports: At the end of the world’s longest river, Ahmad Muhammad has run out of fresh water. For generations, water from the Nile irrigated wheat, rice, corn and eggplants […]

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Water Could Limit Our Ability to Feed the World

Via World Resources Institute, a report on how water scarcity may limit our ability to feed the world: To feed the world, we need to pay more attention to water. To nourish a growing global population, we’ll need to produce 56% more calories by 2050, while dealing with increasing climate-driven water risks like droughts and competition over […]

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Water Shortage and Unrest In Iraq

Via Global Risk Insights, a report on the link between water shortages, politics, and unrest in Iraq: Around 70% of Iraq’s water comes from sources outside of its territory, predominantly originating in Turkey and Iran. Since 1975, the flow of water from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers from Turkey into Iraq has declined by 80%. Over 80% of Iraq’s current water […]

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Water Dispute Between Malaysia and Singapore

Via Future Directions International, a report on the domestic concerns driving the water dispute between Malaysia and Singapore: Earlier in November, Malaysia renewed calls for Singapore to co-operate in revising a 1962 water supply agreement. According to Malaysia’s Natural Resources Minister, Xavier Jayakumar, the water reserve margin in the state of Johor has fallen to four per […]

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The Parched Tiger: India’s Water Supply Agency Declares Chennai Water Secure

Via Future Directions International, commentary on a recent declaration that Chennai is water secure: Chennai, the capital city of the southern Indian province of Tamil Nadu, experienced its worst water crisis in 30 years in 2019. It draws most of its water from four reservoirs that are usually filled by the annual monsoon. The 2018 monsoon brought […]

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