Archive for 2019

Declining Colorado River Supply

Via Sustainable Waters, a report on the growing water crisis in the Colorado River Basin: Image: Lake Powell lost nearly half of its storage capacity during 2000-2018. It’s a bit hard to believe now, but back in 2012 there wasn’t a lot of talk about fresh water in the global dialogues on climate change. Yes, […]

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As Water Runs Low, Can Life In Australia’s Outback Go On?

Courtesy of The New York Times, a look at how – in Australia’s vast interior – rivers and lakes are disappearing: Fleur Magick Dennis has stopped showering every day, allowed her vegetable patch to die and told her four sons to let the dishes pile up. Sometimes, all her family has is bottled water, and […]

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In 2019, 10% of Australian Water Owned By Foreigners

Via The Guardian, commentary on Australia’s water scarcity challenge: I’m starting to think that after living on a farm for 25 years, I might now learn the art of agriculture at the age of 54. I’m starting to think, in the hierarchy of needs, it might matter more to me than journalism. Because of, well, […]

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Troubled Waters For Egypt As Ethiopia Pushes Nile Dam

Via Terra Daily, a report on water tensions arising over the Nile: Under the shade of a tree, Mohamed Omar joined other farmers bickering over who would water their crops first as supply from the Nile to a nearby canal dwindled. “My plot has been thirsty for days. I need the water to nourish the […]

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The Water Wars that Defined the American West Are Heading East

Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal, a look at how urban growth and a surge in irrigation are fueling a water fight between the U.S. states of Georgia and Florida: Water stress, a hallmark of the American West, is spreading east. The shift is evident on Casey Cox’s family farm in Georgia’s agricultural heartland, where […]

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Bali: Running Out Of Water

Via Al Jazeera, a report on Bali, Indonesia’s fabled island that is running out of water, with monsoon rains delayed and the tourist industry expanding: The people of Bali have shared water resources through “subak” – a sophisticated irrigation system that diverts water from channel to rice field and back – since the ninth century. More […]

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