Archive for August, 2019

Mexico Facing ‘Water Zero’

Via AZ Big Media, a report on Mexico’s water crisis: Mexico is one of a growing list of countries deemed most at risk of hitting “Day Zero” when they no longer have enough water to meet citizen needs, according to a new report by global research organization, World Resources Institute (WRI). The nonprofit institute categorized […]

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Pro-Beijing Camp Wants HK Water Supply Cut Off

Via Asia Times, a report on the threat of water politics during Hong Kong’s current crisis: A pro-Beijing lawmaker and an academic have called for the central government in Beijing to implement national law and to cut the water supply to Hong Kong in order to stop the “violent protests” in the city. Junius Ho […]

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Hydropower Construction Heightens Political Pressure Along Mekong River

Via Circle of Blue, a report on plans by Laos to build big hydropower dams on the Mekong River which are seen by many villagers, the region’s environmental organizations, and some officials in neighboring countries as making a mockery of the river’s natural beauty and its central value as a source of fish, irrigation, and […]

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Middle Eastern Water Stress Could Cause Widespread Regional Instability in the Years to Come

Via Future Directions International, a report on Middle Eastern water stress: The World Resources Institute recently identified 18 countries that are likely to suffer from extreme levels of water stress (due to their propensity to use more of their water resources than can be naturally replenished). Of those 18 countries, 11 are located in the Middle East. […]

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10 New Dams In Iran To Go Operational By Year Eng

Via The Iran Project, an article on Iran’s expansion of its dam infrastructure: Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian said 10 major dams are going to be inaugurated in nine provinces across the country by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 19, 2020). As reported by Tasnim news agency on Sunday, Ardakanian noted […]

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The Parched Tiger: Whither Flows India’s Water? The Geopolitics of India’s Water Woes

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), transcript of an interview on  0:00-0:18 Hello, I’m Eugene Chausovsky, a Senior Eurasia Analyst at Stratfor, and this podcast is brought to you by Stratfor Worldview, our premier digital publication for objective geopolitical intelligence and analyses. Individual, team, and enterprise memberships are available at 0:24-0:42 India, if it was […]

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