Via The Standard, a look at Zimbabwe’s water crisis: The government may try to downplay the magnitude of the obtaining economic and political crisis in Zimbabwe, and put genuine efforts to address the challenges facing the country, but they need to prepare for a public health disaster that is increasingly becoming imminent. Attention may today […]
Read more »Courtesy of The Economist, a look at Chennai’s recent water stress: Between December and June the largest reservoir supplying Chennai, India’s sixth-biggest city, shrivelled and then vanished. From the window of a plane, darker patches suggest Puzhal Lake still holds some water. Close up, the “water” turns out to be just a different shade of […]
Read more »Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a report on how water risks threaten to derail Vietman’s economic success: Vietnam’s economic growth and social stability face increasing risk of disruption due to water scarcity, flooding, and pollution, according the new World Bank report, “Vietnam: Toward a Safe, Clean, and Resilient Water System”. Ample water supplies combined with open-market […]
Read more »Via Foreign Brief, a look at how Egypt’s water shortages are likely to worsen with the upstream construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: WHAT’S HAPPENING? Egypt’s water shortages are likely to worsen with the upstream construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). KEY INSIGHTS – The cost of desalination plants and dams is likely […]
Read more »Via East Asia Forum, commentary on the competing draws on Himalayan water supplies: For millions of years, monsoonal winds have cycled between Asia’s tropical seas and the Tibetan Plateau, delivering snow to its high-altitude mountains and rains to the plains below them. The melting snow and summer rains combine to create a system of rivers […]
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