Archive for March, 2019

The Parched Tiger: Fears of a “Water War” Between India and Pakistan are Overstated

Via Future Directions International, commentary on rising Hopes that tensions between India and Pakistan over the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) might be easing were thrown into doubt, following a terrorist attack in Kashmir last month. Pakistan-based militant group, Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed 40 Indian soldiers. In response, India launched air raids, targeting […]

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Risk of Colorado River Decline

Via the Las Vegas Review Journal, an article on the decline of the Colorado River: It supplies water and power to 40 million people from Wyoming to Mexico and irrigates billions of dollars in cropland used to feed millions more. No wonder so many people are worried about the Colorado River. Punishing drought has ravaged […]

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Subterranean Blues: The Global Groundwater Crisis

Courtesy of The Economist, a report on groundwater: In 2004, when Danmanti Devi was four years old, her mother took her to see a doctor because of pains in her legs. The doctor wrongly diagnosed polio. He could do no more than prescribe painkillers. Danmanti’s legs are now deformed. Many others in Churaman Nagar, her 140-household […]

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Controlling The Source: Water Related Conflict On The Rise

Via The Economist, an article on how violence of access to water is on the rise: It has become a cliché of doom-mongering: future wars will be over water. The forecast is old enough to face a sceptical backlash. Whatever happened, people ask, to the water wars? One answer emphasises the role water has played in […]

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