Archive for February, 2019

The Thirsty Dragon: Can China Quench Coal’s Thirst?

Via The Wilson Center, a look at whether western China can lower its coal-water risk: China’s war on pollution and goals to lower carbon emissions are noteworthy as the United States takes a back seat in the global energy transition. Cleaner air and low carbon efforts in China could significantly change the country’s environmental health story […]

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Water Dangers In South Asia

Via the Third Pole, a detailed look at how – with glacier retreat, permafrost melt, and extreme rainfall events – the countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayas have to start cooperating far more closely, or pay a huge price: Water in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region is going through large and dramatic changes, caused […]

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Groundwater: Take More Than A Century To Adapt To Climate Change?

Via The Conversation, commentary on the state of the world’s groundwater: Groundwater is the biggest store of accessible freshwater in the world, providing billions of people with water for drinking and crop irrigation. That’s all despite the fact that most will never see groundwater at its source – it’s stored naturally below ground within the Earth’s pores and […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s “Peaceful Development” Dream leads to Greater Internal and Foreign Anxiety about Water Security

Via Future Directions International, a report on how China’s “Peaceful Development” dream leads to greater internal and foreign Anxiety about water security: Key Points Beijing announced state-led development policies for its western regions in the early 2000s. It promised that they would create economic opportunities, improve political stability and enhance the living conditions of those […]

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The Start Of A Thaw In Indus Water Tensions?

Via Future Directions International, an article on a Pakistani delegation’s visit to Indian dam sites: In January, a Pakistani delegation undertook a tour of the Chenab Basin, to inspect Indian hydroelectric projects, including the Baglihar Dam. The delegation also inspected the Lower Kanai and Pakal Dal projects, both of which are currently under construction on the Chenab River. Pakistan […]

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The World’s ‘Third Pole’ Will Lose One-Third of Ice by 2100

Via Yale’s e360, summary of a sobering report on the Himalaya and Hindu Kush mountain ranges: Snow and ice in the Himalayas, near the China–India border. One-third of the ice in the Himalayas and Hindu Kush mountains will be lost due to rising temperatures by the end of the century, even if nations take aggressive […]

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