Archive for 2018

The Parched Tiger: Afghanistan’s Rivers Could Be India’s Next Weapon Against Pakistan

Via Foreign Policy, an article on New Delhi’s efforts to fund an ambitious dam near Kabul that could reduce water flow to its rival downstream, a project that might spark the world’s next conflict: Most of Afghanistan is currently experiencing a 60 percent drop in the rain and snowfall needed for food production. The rapid expansion of Kabul’s […]

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The Parched Tiger: Groundwater Runs Short in Chennai

Via Future Directions International, an article on India’s water stress: According to NITI Aayog, a government-affiliated think-tank, India is experiencing one of the worst water crises in history. The June report warned that households, farmers and industry are increasingly threatened by water shortages. It is estimated that out of India’s 1.3 billion population, 163 million people – or one in ten […]

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In Kyrgyzstan, Warming Brings Less Water and More Conflict

Via Reuters, a report on rising water tension in Central Asia: In the Kyrgyz village of Kok Tal, it is the jarring sound of Bahadyr Mamatgapirov’s mobile phone that breaks the serenity of dawn. “Get here soon if you need water for your farm,” he abruptly tells one caller. Within moments it rings again. “Wake […]

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The Parched Tiger: As India’s Groundwater Runs Short, Water Battles Grow

Via Eco Business, a report on how India is suffering “the worst water crisis in its history” – and in Chennai water deliveries are in the balance When the thousands of water lorry drivers who shore up parched Chennai’s overtaxed water delivery system went on strike for three days last month, to protest a ruling restricting […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China To Move Water Vapor From Humid West To Arid North

Via The Asia Times, an interesting report on a rather futuristic SkyRiver concept to help slay China’s growing thirst: China is on the verge of wrapping up its gigantic South-North Water Transfer project. The decades-long, multibillion-yuan undertaking seeks to channel fresh water from the Yangtze River to quench the thirst of Beijing and its neighboring provinces […]

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Where Will The ‘Water Wars’ Of The Future Be Fought?

Via the World Economic Forum, an article on where the ‘water wars’ of the future may be fought? A new paper paints a disturbing picture of a nearby future where people are fighting over access to water. These post-apocalyptic-sounding “water wars” could rise as a result of climate change and population growth and could become […]

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