Archive for 2018

California’s Water Wars

Courtesy of The Economist, an article on California’s water wars: The federal government and the state of California seem to love suing each other, and have done so dozens of times in the past two years without causing anyone much damage. But President Donald Trump is now threatening to sue the state over control of water. […]

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Water Crises Named the Biggest Business Risk in Egypt, Iran, Namibia, and Pakistan

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a look at a recent World Economic Forum survey that looked at water scarcity risks worldwide: Not a rapid growth in energy prices. Not unemployment. Not rising public debt. Business leaders in some of the world’s most water-stressed countries say that water availability and pollution are the biggest risks to their operations. […]

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Tehran: Over-Extraction of Water Threatens Iranian Capital

Via EurekAlert, a look at Tehran’s water scarcity crisis: Iran has a water problem. The reserves in many groundwater basins there have been severely depleted. For the last forty years, the country has invested a lot in the agricultural sector and has been striving to be independent in its food supply. In order to cover […]

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The Parched Tiger: Groundwater Scarcity, Pollution Set India on Perilous Course

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a detailed report on how drained and contaminated aquifers contribute to India’s “worst water crisis: Doula Village lies 55 kilometers (34 miles) northeast of New Delhi on a flat expanse of Uttar Pradesh farmland close to the Hindon River. Until the 1980s Doula Village’s residents, then numbering 7,000, and its […]

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Bangladesh: Development Threatened by Worsening Water Quality

Via Future Directions International, a look at Bangladesh’s water challenges: Bangladesh has experienced remarkable growth over the last decade, propelling itself from one of the world’s most impoverished countries, to one of the fastest growing economies in the world. It has made impressive steps in poverty reduction, improving health and education and has reduced infant and […]

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The Parched Tiger: Chennai’s Water Scarcity

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a report on Chennai’s efforts and need to clean up its desperately polluted water sources and address its endemic water scarcity: With its expansive sand beaches along the Bay of Bengal, magnificent Western Ghats mountain range, and thriving cities — including this capital city of finance, manufacturing, and technology — Tamil […]

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