Archive for January, 2017

Pakistan Aims To Sign Water Treaty With Afghanistan

Via Ariana News, a report on Pakistan’s intention to sign a water treat with Afghanistan: Pakistan Government aimed to sign an treaty over share water with Afghan Government, amid officials in Ministry of Energy and Water insisted on implementation of International law and regulations over distribution and sharing of water with neighboring countries. According to […]

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Syria: Uncertainty Following the Damascus Water Crisis

Courtesy of Future Directions International, commentary on the Damascus water crisis: In late December 2016, the main water supply for Damascus and its surrounding region was cut off. The supply was reportedly cut off in the Wadi Barada area west of Damascus due to intense fighting between rebels and government forces over the area. Other […]

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Drought Could Cost Sri Lanka Billions

Via Inter Press Service, a report on Sri Lanka’s water crisis: The warnings are stark, the instructions, for a change, clear. Sri Lanka is heading into one of its worst droughts in recent history, and according some estimates the worst in 30 years. The reservoirs are running on empty, at 30 percent or less capacity. Only […]

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Afghan Authorities Accuse Iran of Using Taliban to Undercut Water Projects

Via VoA, a report on recent water-related tensions between Afghanistan and Iran: Afghan governors in southern and western provinces charged on Monday that Iran is using an increasingly close relationship with the Afghan Taliban to target power and water projects on Tehran’s behalf. Hayatullah Hayat, the governor of southern Helmand province, told VOA’s Afghan service […]

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New Plant Tries To Head Off Gaza Water Crisis

Via Terra Daily, a report on a new desalination plant that hopes to head off a Gaza water crisis: The largest desalination plant in the Gaza Strip partially opened Thursday with international help as the impoverished and blockaded Palestinian enclave seeks to prevent a water crisis. The first phase of the plant opened in Deir […]

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Chile’s Private Solution For A Public Good

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), an interesting look at Chile’s water management strategy: On paper, Chile can easily be considered a water-rich nation. The thin strip of land stretching along South America’s western coast boasts over 50,000 cubic meters (13 million gallons) of water per person per year. But looks can be deceiving. Much of […]

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