Archive for April, 2016

Dams and Water In South Asia

Via Future Directions International, a summary of key issues related to dams and water in South Asia: Key Points South Asia has immense hydropower potential, which many countries are beginning to develop. More than 400 dams are either planned or under construction in China, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bhutan. As the region is geologically young […]

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No Water In The Kingdom Of The Two Seas — Nor Elsewhere In The Middle East

Via the Inter Press Service, an article on the impact of climate change on the Middle East & North of Africa region: There is an oil producing country situated in the Gulf region, made of a cluster of islands. It is small, surface and population wise. But it holds the dubious privilege of ranking top of […]

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How Assad Keeps The Water Running In The Islamic State

Via Bellingcat, an interesting look at how the Islamic State is providing water services in Syria: The so-called Islamic State is said to be behaving like a conventional state in many ways. However, this open source investigation will show that the Syrian government — not Islamic State — keeps the water running in Islamic State’s de facto capital Raqqa […]

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Why World Leaders Are Concerned By Water Shortages

Via Mother Jones, commentary on the world’s powers’ growing concern over water scarcity: Villagers ride donkeys to get water in Yemen in 2012. Yemen is one of the most arid countries in the world and relies almost exclusively on groundwater and rainfall for its water supply. This story was originally published by Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting […]

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The Parched Tiger: India Inc.’s Looming Water Crisis

Via Bloomberg, a report on the challenges posed by India’s water shortages: A collective sigh of relief went around India on Tuesday after the weather office predicted above-normal rains this summer. Back-to-back deficient monsoons over the past two years have resulted in the worst weather outcome for the country in three decades. One more drought […]

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California’s Water Wars Heat Up: SoCal Makes A Land Grab

Via Wired, a updated look at the latest developments in California where a thirsty southern part of the state eyes the north’s water resources aggressively: THE ONE BIG thing to understand about water in California is this: The north has it, the south wants it. Yes, sure, pedants will say it’s more complicated. That you need to consider pre-1914 water […]

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