Archive for September, 2014

Hydro-Diplomacy Can Build Peace Over Shared Waters

Via New Security Beat, a report on hydro-diplomacy: From Ukraine and the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia, the world is engulfed in a series of significant international crises. But despite such urgent issues, it would be a grave mistake to forget about the structural foreign policy challenges – such as access to […]

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The Parched Tiger: India And Nepal’s Growing Water Cooperation

Via the Eurasia Review, a look at growing cooperation over water between India and Nepal: Water resources is considered the backbone of the Nepalese economy. The issue of water resources has always been in the priority list of bilateral cooperation between India and Nepal. It has vast potential to generate power and can assist in […]

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Tapping the U.S. West

Courtesy of National Geographic, an interesting look at the American West: The American West faces persistent drought, whether or not relief comes this winter. When will the hard choices be made? For three generations the Diener family has farmed the same ten square miles of Central Valley dirt. In the 1920s they grew barley and […]

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Iran May Import Water From Tajikistan To Avert Crisis

Via Bloomberg, a report that Iran may import water from Tajikistan to avert a crisis: Iran is considering importing water from neighboring Tajikistan as the government allocated emergency funds to help avert a supply crisis in the capital Tehran. Iranian officials discussed the possibility of importing water during a trip to Tajikistan this month, the […]

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Water Wars: Conflicts Of Future Likely To Be Sparked By Climate Change

Courtesy of Foreign Policy, a look at how climate change may spark conflicts over resources like water: To the long list of the world’s woes, add another: the growing impact of climate change, which could heighten tensions among nations and even spark new wars. That’s the grim assessment of the government’s new National Intelligence Strategy, […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Water Release At Yunnan Dam Sparks SE Asian Alarm

Via GoKunming, a report on how a water release at Yunnan dam is sparking SE Asian alarm: A huge hydroelectric facility in southern Yunnan is causing tension between China and several of its downstream Southeast Asian neighbors. The Jinghong dam (????), which stretches across the Mekong River, is currently discharging water in an effort to […]

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