Archive for June, 2013

Water And The Geopolitics Of The Nile Valley: Egypt Confronts Ethiopia

Via Global Research, a detailed look at the geopolitics of the Nile river: Several African states have rejected statements made by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi which have challenged the right of Ethiopia to utilize water from the Blue Nile in order to construct a hydro-electric dam. Ethiopia says that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project […]

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Egypt’s Nile Threats Weaken Case To Secure Water

Via Bloomberg, some commentary on the recent Egypt-Ethiopia feud over the Nile: Egypt must drop its objection to an Ethiopian dam on the main tributary of the Nile River or it may struggle to ensure adequate supplies from the world’s longest waterway, former U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia David Shinn said. A $4.3 billion, 6,000-megawatt hydropower […]

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Water Wars: “Could Be Everywhere In Africa”

Via Times of Oman, some commentary on potential for water conflict in Africa: Anwar Sadat was precise in predicting what would force Egypt to go to war again. Way back in 1979, while signing the Egypt-Israel peace treaty, the former Egyptian president said, “The only matter that would take Egypt to war again is water.” […]

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Why A ‘Water War’ Over The Nile River Won’t Happen

Via Al Jazeera, commentary on the recent Ethiopia/Egypt tension over the Nile: Is northeastern Africa heading for a bloody “water war” between its two most important countries, Egypt and Ethiopia? Judging by the rhetoric of the past two weeks, one could be forgiven for thinking so. Ethiopia’s plans to build a multibillion dollar dam on […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Efforts To Overcome Its Water Shortages

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), a report on China’s efforts to tackle its water crisis: On June 10, the easternmost leg of the South-North Water Transfer Project, the latest in a long line of attempts by China’s rulers to overcome the limits placed by water on the Chinese economy, began operations. This enormous engineering undertaking will […]

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From Water Wars to Water Scarcity: Bolivia’s Cautionary Tale

Via the North American Congress on Latin America, an interesting report on Bolivia’s water stress: When Bolivian President Evo Morales arrived at the new Uyuni airport last August and found no water running from the tap, he publicly reprimanded and promptly dismissed his Minister of Water. As it happened, the pipes were merely frozen. The […]

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