Archive for 2013

Global Water Scarcity Predicted To Rise By 40%

Via the Sydney Morning Herald, a sobering report on global water stress: Global water scarcity already on the rise due to exploding global populations may be amplified by up to 40 per cent due to climate change. Research carried out by the German-based Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has found significantly more people throughout […]

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The Parched Tiger: Trans-Boundary Water Resources And Uneven Development In Contemporary India

Via Taylor & Francis Online, a detailed look at the already divisive politics of South Asia’s trans-boundary water resources which are further complicated by the rush to construct large- and medium-scale dams in India today: Crisis has many different meanings associated with it, both theoretically and in the particular context of India’s political economy. 1 […]

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Water: Commodity Of The 21st Century

Via the Guardian, an interesting article on how NGOs, businesses and governments are collaborating to tackle the water, food, energy nexus: “Water is going to be the commodity of the 21st century.” So said Richard Sandor, inventor of financial futures and all-round financial guru a few weeks ago in the City, while an audience of […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Massive Water Diversion Project Starts Delivering Water

Via Terra Daily, an update on China’s South-to-North water diversion initiative: A portion of China’s massive South-to-North Water Diversion Project has started to supply water. Shandong province will get about 1,200 million cubic feet of water in the first use of the project’s east route, officials said, China Daily reported Tuesday. The three-route project, expected […]

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Does Himalayan Hydro Have The Power To Bring Water Co-operation?

Via Future Directions International, an interesting look at how an alignment of interests is a necessary but not sufficient condition for meaningful co-operation between states over shared hydro resources. Other factors, including domestic cohesion, levels of trust and the effects of power asymmetry all contribute to the balance of conflict and co-operation. Such considerations will […]

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India Fast Tracks Hydropower Dams in Response to China’s Brahmaputra River Diversion

Via Future Directions, an interesting report on how China’s US$62 billion South-North Water Transfer Project has India scrambling to establish a “prior use” claim over the affected water resources of the Brahmaputra River, streamlining a number of large-scale dam projects near the border: Background The Brahmaputra is a strategic water resource for both India and […]

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