Archive for September, 2012

Could Central Asia Go To War Over Water?

Via Business Insider, an article on the simmering water tensions of Central Asia: Earlier this week, President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan indicated that efforts by Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to build hydroelectric power stations on rivers that flowed into Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan could “spark war.” Water wars are a hot topic right now, with conflicts or […]

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How Unsustainable Water Policies Crippled The Assad Regime

Via Green Prophet, an interesting article on the link between unsustainable water policies and the chaos that ensued in Syria: The link between climate change and political instability may still be ambiguous, but recent research is uncovering a connection between sustainable water and food policies and the survival of governments. Shahrzad Mohtadi found that whilst a […]

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Glacial Melt In The Himalayas: Real, But Not So Fast

Via Nature Conservancy, a follow up look at a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences on the impact of glacier on Himalayan countries like India and China: Is glacier melt the biggest concern about climate change for Himalayan countries like India and China? No, says a new report from the National Academy of […]

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Vietnam Warns Of Water Conflicts

Via The Phuket News, an article noting Vietnam’s concerns that nations could soon be engaged in conflicts over access to water, especially over exploitation of Southeast Asia’s Mekong River: Speaking at a business forum in Russia, Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang said water was likely to become a geopolitical flashpoint commodity like oil. “It would […]

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Water to Cause Further Tensions in Central Asia

Courtesy of Central Asia Economy Newswire, a report on central Asia water tension: Uzbek President Islam Karimov brought worldwide attention to Central Asia’s water disputes on Friday during a state visit to his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev, warning that tensions may spill over and cause bloodshed if issues remained unresolved. The one small detail he […]

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Former World Leaders Call On UN Security Council To Recognize Water As A Top Concern

Via Terra Daily, an article on a group of former world leaders pushing for water to be recognized as a top global concern: The world confronts a water crisis with critical implications for peace, political stability and economic development, experts warn in a new report being launched Sept. 11 jointly by the InterAction Council (IAC), […]

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