Archive for March, 2012

The Parched Tiger: India and Pakistan Resume Talks To Resolve Water Dispute

Via NewsTrack India, a report on ongoing discussions between India and Pakistan over India’s plan to build a dam on River Jhelum, on its side of Kashmir.  As the article notes: A 13-member delegation from Pakistan led by Water and Power Secretary; Imtiaz Kazi, resumed secretary level talks with Indian counterparts in New Delhi on […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Behind Myanmar’s Suspended Dam (1)

Via China Dialogue, the first installment of a report on the background to Myanmar’s recent decision to shelve a China-funded hydropower plant on the Irrawaddy River.  As the article notes: On a recent trip to Myanmar – also known as Burma – my eyes were opened to the strength of opposition to the Myitsone dam, […]

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Clinton Warns Of Terrorism, Instability Over Water

Via Terra Daily, some specific comments by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the potential for water tensions in the months ahead: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Thursday of the risk of terrorism, political instability and conflict over competition for scarce water supplies worldwide over the next few decades. Clinton highlighted such […]

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The Parched Tiger: Pakistan Gears Up For A New Water Fight With India

Via China Dialogue, a report that Pakistan is gearing up for a new water fight with India, over a dam funded by international efforts to tackle global warming.  As the article notes: The never-ending war over water resources between India and Pakistan has taken a new twist. Pakistan has registered its resentment against the United […]

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Water Wars Between Countries: Just Around The Corner?

Via The Guardian, an article looking at how growing pressure on water resources could worsen existing war and lead to new ones.  As the report notes: Water wars could be a real prospect in coming years as states struggle with the effects of climate change, growing demand for water and declining resources, the secretary of state […]

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U.S. Intelligence Report Warns of Global Water Tensions

Courtesy of The New York Times, a report on a recently released American intelligence community study which warned that problems with water could destabilize countries in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia over the next decade.  As the article notes: “…Increasing demand and competition caused by the world’s rising population and scarcities created […]

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