Via Xinhua News, a report that Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region plans to build 59 reservoirs among its ice-capped mountains to harness the water run-off from melting glaciers in spring and summer. As the article notes: “…The reservoirs are to be built on three mountains, the Tianshan, Kunlun and Altay, with a goal of […]
Read more »Via China Dialogue, analysis of the half-truths, fear and suspicion that fuel the debate over south Asia’s shared waters and the role that journalists can help to open up the conversation. As the article notes: There is a well-known Chinese story, told by the philosopher Zhuangzi, about a frog who lived down a well. The […]
Read more »Via Asia Pacific Memo, a short article on the impact that hydropower development may have upon rivers in northwestern India. As the report notes: The vital rivers of the state of Uttarakhand in northwestern India may soon disappear. A multitude of feeder streams and tributaries that run through the state carve tight passages through steep […]
Read more »Courtesy of Global Geopolitics & Political Economy, an article examining a recent agreement between South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo to build a major hydroelectric power project, which is said to bring electricity to more than half of the continent’s 900 million people. But economic analysts warn that foreign investors will prevent the […]
Read more »Via The International Water Law Project, a detailed look at the Silala Basin, one of the most hydropolitically vulnerable basins in the world which is the subject of a long-running dispute between Bolivia and Chile. As the report notes: A few months ago, Brendan Mulligan and I published a paper entitled “The Silala/Siloli Watershed: Dispute […]
Read more »Via The Tibetan Political Review, an interesting article on the water tension between China and India: “…Is China trying to divert the Brahmaputra waters to its dry north and north-western regions? Or, is it merely trying to build small dams along the river? The Government of India seems clueless if SM Krishna’s recent remarks are […]
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