Archive for October, 2011

The Parched Tiger: Indian And Pakistani Tensions over Indus-trial Uses

Via National Geographic, an interesting look at increasing tensions between India and Pakistan over use of the Indus River: “Pakistan’s entire economy is driven by the textile industry,” said Michael Kugelman, a South Asia expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. “The problem with Pakistan’s economy is that most of the major industries […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Cleaning Up Its Water Act

Via Circle of Blue, an interesting look at China’s key pollution events, protests, and policy reforms from the last eight years at both the national and regional levels as China tries to clean up its water act: While the Chinese government has made great strides in pushing investment and innovation in a cleaner economy, promoting […]

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Water Management, Agriculture, and Population Growth in The Middle East

Via New Security Beat, a look at Middle Eastern water challenges: In terms of groundwater depletion, “Yemen and Gaza are probably the two places worst off in the Middle East,” Aaron Wolf told ECSP in a recent interview. Wolf, a water expert and geography professor at Oregon State University, said population growth across the broader […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Burma Dam Disruption Concerns China

Courtesy of The New York Times, a report on Myanmar’s recent decision to halt construction was halted on the $3.6bn Myitsone dam being built by a Chinese company.  As the article notes: “…Beijing has called on Burma to protect the rights of Chinese companies after construction was halted on the $3.6bn Myitsone dam, in a […]

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