Archive for December, 2010

The Thirsty Dragon: Downstream Fury Over Upstream Dams (Part III)

Courtesy of China Dialogue, the last segment of a three-part series about hydropower in southwest China.  As the article notes: “…As well as plenty of finger-pointing, this year has seen positive developments in the regional conversation over the Mekong. In the run-up to the April meeting of the Mekong River Commission, a collaborative body founded […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Downstream Fury Over Upstream Dams (Part II)

Courtesy of China Dialogue, part two of a three-part series examining China’s handling of concerns over its construction of dams upstream on the Mekong and how – in the article’s eyes – China may be shooting itself in the foot as far as river management is concerned – attracting unnecessary suspicion through lack of openness. […]

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Disputes Between Jordan and Saudi Arabia Over the al-Disi Aquifer

Via Green Prophet, an update on Jordan’s long planned water conveyance project to bring water from an underground aquifer near its border with Saudi Arabia.  As the article notes: “…[it]  is now closer to reality with the arrival of  200 km of pipeline from Turkey, according to a December 20 article in the Jordan Times.  […]

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The Nile Water War: Soon To Heat Up?

Via Terra Daily, an interesting article on the potential that a new Sudan state will threaten to upend the Nile sharing structure already under pressure.  As the report notes: The expected emergence of a new state in southern Sudan following a January independence referendum is causing alarm in Cairo because the signs are the infant […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Downstream Fury Over Upstream Dams

Courtesy of China Dialogue, the first of a three-part series by historian Qin Hui in which he criticises Beijing’s response to the downstream fury that has arisen over China’s dam-building in south-west China.  As the article notes: “…The Cambodian prime minister is in China’s good books. In a recent – and friendly – speech, Hun […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Boosting Supplies Is Not Enough

Via China Dialogue, an interesting acknowledgement that boosting supplies won’t solve Beijing’s chronic water shortage unless the government also tackles the careless habits of city dwellers.  As the article notes: “We’ve been using it for over a decade, how can it just run out?” Mrs Wang lives in the Tianxin Jiayuan complex in the Beijing […]

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