Archive for 2009

Chinese Dam(n) Interest In The Tibetan Plateau

Via Tibetan Plateau, two posts detailing the status of Chinese hydropower projects on the eastern fringes of the Tibetan Plateau. As rivers on “mainland China” are dammed and diverted beyond recognition, Chinese dam builders and hydro-engineers are looking towards the Tibetan Plateau for more business. Owing to this trend, more and more dams are being […]

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Remote Sensing Confirms China Building Dam On Indian Territory

Via India, a report that India has found China encroaching on its Himalayan territory as part of a water / dam project.  As the article notes: “…The National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) confirmed on Tuesday that construction was on at the Zangmu site on the Chinese side of the Brahmaputra river, prompting the government […]

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Water Tension In Increasingly Parched Middle East

Courtesy of The Israeli National News, a very strong opinion article on the possibility of water tensions erupting into conflict in the increasingly parched Middle East.  As the report notes: “…Israel will go to war against Lebanon and Egypt to solve its water crisis, a Jordanian political science professor has charged. Dr. Ghazi Al-Rababah told […]

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UN: Concern Over Potential Water Wars

Via Terra Daily, a report that the UN is increasingly worried about potential water conflicts.  As the article notes: “…U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro said the Middle East is “in a challenging situation” and would need stability to achieve development, emphasizing the need to fight climate change to help avoid the next major conflict in […]

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Yemen’s Water Crisis And Conflict: A Signpost To Future Conflicts?

Via Terra Daily, a report on Yemen’s water crisis and the possibility that the localized conflicts developing there could be a harbinger of what may come elsewhere in the region in the decades ahead.  As the article notes: “…Sanaa may be the first capital city in the world to run out of water. If that […]

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Climate Change + Melting Glaciers = Increased Water Tension In Central Asia

Courtesy of the BBC, a report on global warming’s impact /exacerbation of regional water tensions in Central Asia.  As the article notes: “That one – called Adigene – has decreased in size by about 20% over the last 50 years,” he says. He adds that a neighbouring glacier, Aksai, has disappeared completely. Mr Ermenbaev, who […]

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