Archive for 2009

A Russian Water Grab?

Via Robert Amsterdam, an interesting – if not worrying – article on the Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, and his keen interest in reversing the flow of northern rivers in Russia.  As the article note: “…Water – the oil and gas of the not-too-distant future «…The world community is hoping that Russia will soon become […]

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Singapore and Malaysia Discuss Water

Via Global Voices Online, a report on the ongoing discussions between Singapore and Malaysia over water.  Due to its size and location, Singapore sources about half of its water supply from its neighbor, Malaysia, under two major water agreements, one of which comes due in 2011.  As the article notes: “…The 1961 agreement provides for […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China Enters Eurasia’s Water Wars

Courtesy of Window on Eurasia, an interesting report on the impact – both ecological and geopolitical – of China’s recent activities to take large volumes of water out of the Irtysh that normally would go to Kazakhstan and Russia.  As the article notes: “…By unilaterally taking out of the Irtysh far more water than ever […]

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No Deal: Madagascar Ends Water Export Scheme With Saudi Arabia

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, an interesting look at how the politics of water dried up a proposed sale of water from Madagascar to Saudi Arabia.  As the article notes: “…Madagascar’s government has ended a water export deal with Saudi Arabia because it was opposed by environmental, civil society groups in the country. …The deal […]

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City’s Water Problems Test Great Lakes Agreement

Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal, a report on the Michigan city of Wukesha’s efforts to solve its water problems by purchasing access to Lake Michigan.  As the article notes: After studying its water woes for years, this former spa city of 68,000 has decided its best bet is to tap into Lake Michigan, 20 […]

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California: Did Water Politics Avert Water Wars?

Courtesy of Mother Jones, a summary look at the California’s recent state legislation related to water.  As the article notes: “…Last week, California lawmakers approved several bills that could overhaul the state’s troubled water system for the first time in 60 years. Farm interests and some environmental groups hailed the measures, fueling hopes that a […]

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