As we have discussed previously and as recently noted by WaterWired, there are a number of difficult issues faced by the countries in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya basins, the two major streams in the region. As the article notes: “…the aforementioned streams both terminate in the Aral Sea, and the diversion of these […]
Read more »From The New York Times, a very interesting analysis of how Tajikistan – the source of more than 40 percent of Central Asia’s water – hopes to utilize its abundant water resources to drive the country’s growth. However, as the article points out, water issues must also be resolved as Central Asia’s disagreements over how […]
Read more »Via Japan Focus, a detailed look at the impact that major floods of the Mekong have had upon Southeast Asia, not only in an environmental/economic sense, but also from a political perspective. Many countries are asking whether China is responsible for the heavy flood damage, as its cascade of dams on the Mekong have been […]
Read more »Via The International Herald Tribune, an interesting article examining Australia pioneering efforts of what is likely soon to become a global wave to commercialize water. If/as this comes to pass, we believe there will inevitably be greater conflicts over water and water rights. As the article notes: “…Despite a long-running drought, Kingwill, who runs the […]
Read more »As recently discussed in The Oregonian, parched Southwest U.S. states recently considered ways they might bring more water to the overtaxed Colorado River, and they imagined snaking a fiberglass straw up the Pacific coast and sipping from the Columbia River. And, as the article notes: “…That’s probably a pipe dream, but it’s also a recurring […]
Read more »As recently reported by AlterNet, there are a few analysts who charge that the Great Lakes compact, as written, will actually facilitate the commercial export of Great Lakes water: “…For 25 years, residents around the Great Lakes have worried that thirstier regions (or even countries) would make designs on their water. The lakes’ bounty as […]
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