An excellent article by Robert Kaplan in the January/February ’08 edition of The Atlantic Monthly, examining the catastrophic threats that global warming & climate change hold for Bangladesh, a nation already with too little land for its 150 million people. While the majority of the report focuses on the massive impacts that rising sea levels […]
Read more »As recently reported in The Los Angeles Times, cities and water agencies across California are scrambling to assess the ramifications of a first-ever shortage allocation plan that would govern water deliveries to communities stretching from the Santa Monica Mountains to the Inland Empire and south to the Mexican border. As with most water-related issues, deep […]
Read more »Lost in the generally enthusiastic media coverage of the recent Indo-Chinese bilateral meetings is the long-standing issue of water resource management between the two emerging giants. Given its presence in Tibet, China controls India’s river water and flooding. Even without any fully completed projects in place to tap into this source, many Indians feel this […]
Read more »Shana (Iran’s Petroenergy Information Network) recently reported that Kuwait and Iran plan to sign a water and gas export contract soon. While no further details were made available nor a specific timeframe, we found this report noteworthy for two reasons: first, the agreement may be one of several plans that Iran – a water rich, […]
Read more »NPR has a wonderful five-part series on the environmental crisis facing China’s Yellow River, which snakes through northern China for more than 3,000 miles and has long been known as the country’s mother river — the cradle of Chinese civilization. Unfortunately, it is no longer clean nor in strong supply. Three-quarters of the 4,000 small […]
Read more »Several months ago, The International Herald Tribune presciently (in our opinion) noted that sharpening Asian competition over energy resources had obscured a far more critical threat that water shortages pose for the region’s rapid economic modernization. Water, in fact, has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or […]
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